TREATMENT Disclaimer: Much of the following information has been gathered from various sites around the internet as well as various newsgroup articles, emails and personal documents. As such, I am unable to verify the accuracy of all of the information, so be wary of what one takes from these pages. Please consult with a professional health care provider BEFORE doing anything suggested or implied. Treatment:
Acute Infection Treatment:
Chronic Infection Currently, there are several treatments being used. Interferon alpha use is most common, but now lamivudine (3TC), and others are being looked at as potential therapeutic agents. Combinations of antiviral drugs are being used with some success. Antivirals: The following list includes those which are still in their experimental stages.
Immune System Modulators:
Mixed Treatments:
None of these treatments can be called a cure. A true cure for this disease still remains elusive. Alternative
Healthy Diet
Note: The above suggestions should be used as a guideline when eating, but should not be taken as the "be-all-and-end-all". Liver Transplants Despite these problems, for some individuals, liver transplants may offer the only hope for a healthy life. To improve the transplant situation, some researchers are considering using animal organs as possible donors. Others are trying to grow new liver from other cells found in one's body so that an infected individual may one day be able to give a small tissue sample and perfect liver cells can be grown from his own cells and used for transplant. However, this technology is still in its infancy. |
Blum, A.L. Stutz, R., Haemmerli, V.P., Schmid, P. and Grady, G.F. 1969. A Fortuitously Controlled Study of Steroid Therapy in Acute Viral Hepatitis. I. Acute Disease. Am. J. Med.; 47: 82-92.
Conjeevaram, H., Balow, J.E., Austin, H., Hoofnagle, J.H., and DiBisceglie, A.M. 1993. Long Term Follow Up of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Related Glomerulonephritis Treated with Alpha Interferon [Abstract]. Hepatology; 18: 146A.
Nevens, F., Main, J., Honkoop, P., Tyrrell, D.L., Barber, J., Sullivan, M.T., Fevery, J., De Man, R.A. and Thomas, H.C. 1997. Lamivudine Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B: A Six-Month Randomized Dose-Ranging Study. Gastroenterology; 113(4): 1258-1263.
Peters, M. 1989. Mechanism of Action of Interferons. Semin. Liv. Dis.; 9: 235-239.
Schiff, L. 1966. The Use of Steroids in Liver Disease. Medicine (Baltimore); 45: 565-573.
Wong, V.C.W., Ip, H.M.H., Reesink, H.W. et al. 1984. Prevention of the HBsAg Carrier State in Newborn Infants of Mothers Who Are Chronic Carriers of HBsAg and HBeAg by Administration of Hepatitis-B Vaccine and Hepatitis-B Immunoglobulin. Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Study. Lancet; 1:921-926.
New? | Introduction/History
| Epidemiology | Pathogenesis
Diagnosis | Clinical Types
| Treatments | Prevention